Grausamer Fund in Tarancón (Spanien)
Am 16.02.2018 berichtet Yo Galgo über einen grausamen Fund. In einer 8 m tiefen Bergspalte bei Tarancón wurden Galgokadaver gefunden. Aufgrund der Verwesung müssen sie dort teilweise schon länger als 20 Jahren liegen. Ein Teil der Galgokörper sind noch "frisch", stammen somit aus der erst vor 2 Wochen beendeten Jagdsaison. Der Chip wurde den meisten entfernt, damit man sie nicht mehr identifizieren kann. Der Fundort ist nur wenige Minuten vom Zentrum entfernt. Die Galgueros streiten ab, dass sie jedes Jahr am Ende der Jagdsaison ihre Galgos entsorgen. Dieses Massengrab widerlegt diese Aussage! Tierschützer sprechen von ca. 50.000 Galgos jährlich, die Dunkelziffer wird noch viel höher geschätzt.
Wann hört dieser Wahnsinn endlich auf? Wann wird mit dieser grausamen Tradition endlich gebrochen?

Quelle Text und Fotos:
16.02.2018: I am very sorry to have to show these images, so if you are sensitive, do not continue. Saturday a mass grave, where galgos have been dumped for years, was discovered in the town of Tarancón, only a few minutes away from its centre. A place in full sight where audiences often stand to watch motocross events. I went yesterday to document this case, which I doubt is an isolated case. In an eight-meter-deep pit, there were galgos in various states of decomposition, some had been there just a few days and others ... I don’t know. Several of them had been hanged before being thrown in there, and on all dogs, I could see, they had removed the chip by cutting up their necks. This seems to be a crime that the authorities do not want to pursue nor do they want to assume the responsibility of removing the dead dogs. In the end the volunteers, ordinary citizens, will have to remove the corpses. Where are the public services? Please, hug your dogs a little bit extra today, and if this outrages you, share it. In our bio you can find a video I did yesterday.
25.02.2018: Yesterday we returned to the mass grave in Tarancón to take out the bodies of the galgos that, during years, have been thrown there, and to try to find evidence to persecute the perpetrators of this crime. The place, known as The Cut, has been used for more than 20 years to dump galgos no longer wanted by their owners. The volunteers recovered 25 bodies, but for safety reasons it was impossible to reach the deeper layers of the pit, where dozens of galgos were piled up. At least two dogs that I photographed last time I was there, have disappeared. A clear indication that their owners, frightened by the repercussion of the news, have returned to remove the corpses of their dogs. This is interesting because the hunting society always claims that abandoned or killed dogs, are dogs that have been stolen, “as no galguero would treat their dog like that”. But no thief would return for the bodies of the dead dogs, that makes no sense. All points to the galgueros. Go our previous video to know more and visit to learn about our project.
Dieses VIDEO zeigt den Fundort und die Bergung durch freiwillige Helfer.